The Lice Ladies

The Lice Ladies

“The Lice Lady”! Who wants to be called “The Lice Lady?!” Well, if it's in reference to our Super-Lice removing, myth-busting, calming super-powers, then we do! We are all proud LICE LADIES! And most of us were anxious moms, knee-deep in lice, prior to getting here.


There is something about the word lice that can unhinge the most stable & level-headed person. This little four-letter word can make heads itch, skin crawl & every square inch of a house get hyper-cleaned. Lice can make accusations and assumptions fly, divide family and friends, keep children from school, cause sleepless nights, homes to be temporarily abandoned, long beautiful hair to be cut short or shaved off all together & spirits to be crushed. We have been there! Then we found a better way.


The Ladies at the Lounge will not only calm your fears & ease your mind. We’ll educate you on the real facts of lice, why we don’t recommend the toxic chemicals in RID & NIX & what the current research is. Our promise to our customers is complete victory in the battle of lice.

Super Lice have no power over our Super Lice Ladies! So, if your world has been turned upside down by lice, please come to ours. We offer a serene and welcoming environment with luxurious amenities. You will not only leave pampered and lice-free, but quite possibly as a reborn Lice Lady (or man) yourself. If you are ready to conquer your lice before they conquer you, give us a call or make an appointment online at

Hunting for Head Lice: 6 Tips from Industry Experts

September is head lice prevention month, which is a perfect time to learn what the experts know about detecting head lice.  The fastest and most effective method to detect lice is by using a high quality lice comb. Learning the finer points of how to comb-out your child’s hair, then doing it on a weekly basis will ensure your child never has a full blown lice party.

Using Science to Protect Your Kid from Head Lice: 4 Easy Steps

Using Science to Protect Your Kid from Head Lice: 4 Easy Steps

Ahh, the alarm bells that go off when parents hear the words “head lice”, it’s akin to hearing that they have squirrels in their attic.  Although I know some parents who would take squirrels over head lice given the choice.

We’ve all heard the common adage, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.  This is especially the case when it comes to head lice.  According to the CDC, 5-10% of school age children have head lice   And, although those aren’t bad odds, the time, effort, and money it takes to get rid of head lice makes parents want to do whatever they can to prevent it in the first place.